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Brief Numismatists News
In November 2005, Rick Munarriz of Motley posed the question of which represented a better investment: a share of Google or an ounce of gold. The specific comparison between these two very different investments seems to have captured the imagination of many in the investment commuity and is serving to crystalize the broader debate. At the time of writing, a share of Google's stock and an ounce of gold were both near $700. On January 4, 2008 23:58 New York Time, it was reported that an ounce of gold outpaced the share price of Google by 30.77%, with gold closing at $859.19 per ounce and a share of Google closing at $657 on U.S. market exchanges. On January 24th 2008, the gold price broke the $900 mark per ounce for the first time. The price of gold topped $1,000 an ounce for the first time ever on March 13, 2008 amid recession fears in the United States.
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us gold coins News From Around The World
Barack Obama Coins
Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:52:00 +0000
Well, I knew it wouldn't be long before someone would cash in on Barack Obama's success and release coins with his likeness on them.
When a similar thing happened after 9/11, I wrote a not so kind...
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Van Buren Dollar Not Part of Direct Ship
The Martin Van Buren Presidential Dollars are available at banks nationwide. Designed by AIP Master Designer Joel Iskowitz, the Van Buren Dollar is the 8th Presidential Dollar in the...
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